Area: Hendon Postcode: NW4, NW7, NW9 Boroughs: Barnet Conservation areas: Church End, Mill Hill Village, The Burroughs Schools: Local authority: Copthall, Hendon School, Hasmonean Schools, Mill Hill County High, St James's High RC St Mary's C of E. Private: The Mount, Mill Hill. Council tax (Band D): £1135 Properties: 3 bed semis from 1930's houses, new converted flats. Attracts: Families, members of the Jewish and Asian communities. Students renting, young professionals and first time buyers. Amenities: Sport stadium, museum, water-sport activities, huge shopping centre. The Jewish community can enjoy the 'Eruv' and Casher restaurants. Transport: Tube, train and buses. Crime rate: 175/1000 ; 1th Comments: The lowest crime rate in London. Problems: Many main roads. |