Florida property guide

Plus additional infos related to the city of Palm Harbor

Palm Harbor FL Real Estate - Maryam Beyer
A veteran realtor, serving since 1987.
Palm Harbor FL real estate listings and homes for sale, home buying, home selling information.
Covered areas and cities: Pinellas County, Pasco County, and Hillsbourgh County, Palm Harbor, Trinity, Clearwater, Oldsmar, East Lake, Palm Harbor.. I live and sell in Cobbs Landing.
About Palm Harbor
Palm Harbor is located in the county of Pinellas on the North West of Tampa at a distance of about 21 miles.
Palm Harbor in located on the Gulf of Mexico, close to the coastwest coast of Florida.
Palm Harbor's population is 59,248 (2000 census)
Median Age: 43.2 years
Median household income: $45,404 (year 2000)
93% of Palm Harbor inhabitants are white, 3.5% are Latino, 1.1% are African-American.
Elevation: 50 feet above sea level.
Median sale price was $124,000 (2000).

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