Florida estate resources

Also about the town of: Orange Park

Rich and Shelly Zeisel
Vanguard Realty
professional, ethical,
 Provide the most
 and informed service.
Bob & Jan Howard
on Park Avenue
specializing in real
relocation. Includes
 area natives
 estate, homes, &
 photos of featured homes.
Debb Bierer
on Park Avenue
County including Orange Park,
Saint John's
 serving Jacksonville and Clay
 Mandarin, Duval County, and
Greg Mosley
on Park Avenue
Jacksonville and Orange
 listings in the
 Park areas.
Rich and Shelly Zeisel
Vanguard Realty
professional, ethical,
 Provide the most
 and informed service.
Bob & Jan Howard
on Park Avenue
specializing in real
relocation. Includes
 area natives
 estate, homes, &
 photos of featured homes.
Bill Savage
Realty Executives, Inc.
Jacksonville, Orange
Springs, and Middleburg,
 serving the
 Park, Green Cove
 Florida area.
Debb Bierer
on Park Avenue
County including Orange Park,
Saint John's
 serving Jacksonville and Clay
 Mandarin, Duval County, and
Greg Mosley
on Park Avenue
Jacksonville and Orange
 listings in the
 Park areas.
Bill Savage
Realty Executives, Inc.
Jacksonville, Orange
Springs, and Middleburg,
 serving the
 Park, Green Cove
 Florida area.
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