Florida property guide

Plus additional infos related to the city of Destin

Destin Florida Real Estate - Kim Gibbons
Condos, Oceanfront homes, retirment investment, beach businesses, vacation homes.
Covered areas and cities: Destin, Ford Walton Beach and Destin Waterfront, Okaloosa Island, Florida.
About Destin
Destin is located in the county of Okaloosa County NW of Florida at a distance of 50 miles east of Pensacola, FL on the Gulf of Mexico.
Destin's population is 12,000 (2002 census)
Median Age: 42.4 years
Median household income: $53,042 (year 2000)
94.1% of Destin inhabitants are white and 2.7% are Latino.
Elevation: 25 feet above sea level.
Median price of homes was $153,800 in 2000.
Destin is in the heart of Emerald Coast (NW, Florida) and offers white sands beaches, clear emerald waters and a friendly atmosphere.
Throughout the year, Dustin residents and visitors can enjoy activities such as surfing, fishing, golf, camping, boating and relaxing.
Famous for it's golf courses (more than 1,080 holes of golf), the Emerald Coast got ranked in the top ten of Gold Digest.

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