California estate resources

Also about the town of: Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek - Realty World ® CALIFORNIANS
Specializing in Alameda and Contra Costa County Real Estate. MLS search, buyer's and seller's guide. Up-to-date stats and graphics.
About Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek is located in the County of Contra Costa on the North East of San Francisco at a distance of 14.7 miles from Auckland.
Walnut Creek's population is 65,345 (2002 census)
Median Age: 45.1 years
Median household income: $63,238 (year 2000)
80.6% of Walnut Creek's inhabitants are White, 8% are asians, 6% are Latino, 0.9% are American-Indians.
Elevation: 131 feet above sea level.
The climate is semi-arid.
The average detached single-family home price was $771,464 in august 2004 according to the California Association of Realtors.
NUMBER OF HOMES (Source: U.S. Census 2000)
31,425 housing units
Owner-occupied housing units: 68 %
Renter-occupied housing units: 32%

Home of the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts, Bedford Gallery.
Parks: 19 totaling over 240 acres
Open spaces: 2,704 acres

Employers providing jobs: TOP EMPLOYERS IN WALNUT CREEK*

  • Contra Costa Newspapers
  • Verizon
  • Macy's
  • ManorCare Health Services
  • Target
  • PMI
  • Long's Drug Stores
  • John Muir Medical Center
  • Kaiser Permanent Medical Center
  • Bank of the West
  • Safeway, Inc.
    Unemployement rate: 2%

  • State of California city index

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