Truckee is located in the County of Nevada on the North East of San Francisco at a distance of 120 miles from SF. Truckee's population is 14,630 (2002 census) Median Age: 35.3 years Median household income: $58,848 (year 2000) 84% of Truckee's inhabitants are White, 12.8% are Latino, 2.2% are American-Indians. Elevation: 5840 feet above sea level. The climate is semi-arid. The average median home value was $247,800 in 2000 according to the California Association of Realtors. Industries providing jobs: Accommodation, food services, arts, entertainment, recreation, (19%), Construction (17%), Educational, health and social services (14.5%), Retail trade (11.5%). Unemployed: 3.9% |