Palm Springs Ca Real Estate - Eugene Hernandez If you are looking to buy, sell or Lease your Condo/Home or would just like to know some more information, feel free to call or Email me. Cities: Realtor for Palm Springs, the Coachella Valley, Palm Desert, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Garner Valley, Indio real estate and surrounding Mountain communities.
Palm Springs |
Eureka is located in the county of Riverside on the North of San Diego at a distance of 83 miles. Palm Springs's population is 44,526 (2002 census) Median Age: 46.9 years Median household income: $35,973 (year 2000) Community: 66.5% of Palm Springs inhabitants are white,23.7% are Latino, 3.9% are African America, 1.6% are American Indian. Elevation: 466 feets above sea level. The climate is sub-tropical and semi-arid. The average median home value was $157,000 in 2000 according to the California Association of Realtors. Palm Springs has something for everyone : sun, shops, golf, outdoors: hiking, biking, exploring, gaming, modern architecture, cultural and ethnic events, tennis, nightlife, eco-tourism and of course. Surrounded by the beautiful desert and wild flowers: called the america's desert star. Airport. |
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