California property guide

Plus additional infos related to the city of Palm Springs

Palm Springs Ca Real Estate - Eugene Hernandez
If you are looking to buy, sell or Lease your Condo/Home or would just like to know some more information, feel free to call or Email me.
Cities: Realtor for Palm Springs, the Coachella Valley, Palm Desert, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Garner Valley, Indio real estate and surrounding Mountain communities.
Palm Springs
Eureka is located in the county of Riverside on the North of San Diego at a distance of 83 miles.
Palm Springs's population is 44,526 (2002 census)
Median Age: 46.9 years
Median household income: $35,973 (year 2000)
Community: 66.5% of Palm Springs inhabitants are white,23.7% are Latino, 3.9% are African America, 1.6% are American Indian.
Elevation: 466 feets above sea level.
The climate is sub-tropical and semi-arid.
The average median home value was $157,000 in 2000 according to the California Association of Realtors.
Palm Springs has something for everyone : sun, shops, golf, outdoors: hiking, biking, exploring, gaming, modern architecture, cultural and ethnic events, tennis, nightlife, eco-tourism and of course.
Surrounded by the beautiful desert and wild flowers: called the america's desert star.

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