California property guide

Plus additional infos related to the city of Escondido

Escondido Real Estate - Kyla Beckham
Homes in North San Diego County.
Cities: Escondido, San Marcos, Valley Center, Vista, Carlsbad, San Diego, Ramona, Encinitas and San Diego County, California.
Escondido is located in the county of San Diego on the North of San Diego at a distance of 24.3 miles from down town San Diego.
Escondido's population is 140,671 (2004 census)
Median Age: 31.5 years
Median household income: $46,907 (year 2004)
A Diverse community (2004). 49.0% of Escondido inhabitants are white, 42% are Latino, 2.3% are American Indian, 2.4% are Asian.
Elevation: 684 feets above sea level. (400 ft. - 2,100 ft.)
The climate is sub-tropical and semi-arid.
The average median home value was $192,000 in 2002 according to the California Association of Realtors.
46,155 housing units.
The location of Escondido, CA was first discovered in 1776 by Juan Bautista de Anza, a Spanish explorer.
Downtown Escondido is the cultural heart of San Diego's north county.
Find boutiques, antique shops arts & entertainment, history and sidewalk cafés.

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