Escondido Real Estate - Kyla Beckham Homes in North San Diego County. Cities: Escondido, San Marcos, Valley Center, Vista, Carlsbad, San Diego, Ramona, Encinitas and San Diego County, California.
Escondido |
Escondido is located in the county of San Diego on the North of San Diego at a distance of 24.3 miles from down town San Diego. Escondido's population is 140,671 (2004 census) Median Age: 31.5 years Median household income: $46,907 (year 2004) A Diverse community (2004). 49.0% of Escondido inhabitants are white, 42% are Latino, 2.3% are American Indian, 2.4% are Asian. Elevation: 684 feets above sea level. (400 ft. - 2,100 ft.) The climate is sub-tropical and semi-arid. The average median home value was $192,000 in 2002 according to the California Association of Realtors. 46,155 housing units. The location of Escondido, CA was first discovered in 1776 by Juan Bautista de Anza, a Spanish explorer. Downtown Escondido is the cultural heart of San Diego's north county. Find boutiques, antique shops arts & entertainment, history and sidewalk cafés. |
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