California estate resources

Also about the town of: Citrus Heights

Diann Bartlett
this is theplaceto
 Buying or selling a home
 getthe information you need.
Ann Caminiti
Coldwell Banker
 Serving Sacramento and
Tina Deller
Pacific National Realtors
commercial, and
services in the
 Offers residential,
 relocation real estate
 Sacramento Valley.
Chuck and Kathy Hulsey
Prudential California Realty
info, online real estate
calculators, automatic email
 Real estate & relocation
 library, mortgage
 updates of new homes, and more.
Dena Ingalls
Pacific National Realtors
construction for Roseville,
Central Sacramento
 Residential and new
 Laguna, Fair Oaks, and the
State of California city index

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