California property guide

Plus additional infos related to the city of Anaheim

Anaheim - Real Estate - Legris Team (main office)
Real Estate information and connection to all Multiple Listing Service Active properties For Sale in Orange and Riverside Counties, Southern California.
About Anaheim
Anaheim is located in the County of Orange on the South East of Los Angeles at a distance of 37.6 miles from Down town LA.
Anaheim's population is 332,642 (2002 census)
Median Age: 30.5 years
Median household income: $47,122 (year 2000)
Anaheim is an ethnically diverse community. 46.8% of Anaheim's inhabitants are Latino, 35.9% are White, 2.7% are African-American, 11% are Asian.
Elevation: 160 feets above sea level.
The climate is sub-tropical and semi-arid.
The average median home value was $213,800 in 2000 according to the California Association of Realtors.
Anaheim is the "Home of Disneyland".

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